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Novo Nordisk

Dual Name: Ozempic + Wegovy

To enhance marketability and patient engagement, Novo Nordisk adopted a dual-name strategy for semaglutide, ensuring clear differentiation and stronger resonance with diverse patient groups.

However, a dual-name strategy cannot be a one-size-fits-all approach. So, Novo Nordisk turned to Addison Whitney for our recognized expertise in naming pharmaceuticals coupled with our hands-on experience in co-branding of high-visibility innovations

  • Client

    Novo Nordisk

  • Services

    Market Research


    Verbal Identity

Determining the feasibility of a dual-name approach.

Ultimately, the approval of a dual naming strategy is driven by patient safety rather than marketing preferences, with regulatory bodies evaluating each case individually. To help determine if a dual-name approach was feasible for Novo Nordisk, our regulatory experts assessed multiple potential factors influencing the approval of a second brand name for the single chemical entity, semaglutide:

Turning effective dual-name strategy assessment into global approval.

Our expertly driven, comprehensive analysis of the viability of Novo’s dual-name strategy coupled with our development of regulatory viable, marketable names led to the global approval of two gold-standard brand names for semaglutide, Ozempic and Wegovy.


For their first-to-market asset that helps Type II Diabetes patients control their blood sugar, the Novo Nordisk team sought a strong yet hopeful name to reinforce the notions of empowerment and peak performance. Ozempic’s subtle nod to the word “peak” connects to Olympic embedded with other meaningful elements:  The “zem” component directly alludes to semaglutide, ensuring a clear connection to the generic name. The “emp” suggests empowerment, reinforcing the positive impact of the treatment. The “pic” conveys the idea of a picture and the action of picking this treatment.

For the second indication, Novo Nordisk wanted to focus on resonating with a target patient profile impacted by obesity. Seeking names that conveyed the idea of Novo serving as a partner towards better health, we encapsulated the brand essence, “free to be me,” through the name Wegovy. The “we” suggests both partnership and weight, while “go” implies movement, and “vy” hints at “away.” Together, they create a cadence that clearly communicates the message: “Weight goes away.”

Driving broader market impact.

By tailoring Ozempic and Wegovy to resonate with diverse patient groups, Novo Nordisk can now foster stronger connections and improve patient engagement through flexible branding and marketing strategies, ensuring relevance across various demographics and regions.

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