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Zokinvy (lonafarnib)

Eiger created a first-of-its-kind treatment for progeria, a rare genetic disease that causes children to age rapidly and thus have health complications typically seen in older patients.

Progeria effects a small patient population, but it is a highly engaged and connected community of patients and caregivers. The brand needed to capture this group with a clear message of hope and value proposition of longer life.

To set the strategic foundation we began with the creation of the brand precept. Think of this as a roadmap for success that can guide brand development and decision making before, during and after launch. For Eiger our strategic approach focused on truth, value and impact.

  • Client


  • Services

    Brand Strategy
    Research & Insights
    Verbal Branding
    Visual Branding
    Regulatory Consulting

Zokinvy Moodboard

A key component of the precept is a brand compass. Similar to a traditional compass, it guides your brand direction. Ranging from practical and functional benefits to emotional benefits the brand compass highlights the attributes to focus on depending on the need at the time and the message you are looking to deliver. Extending life expectancy to enjoy precious time together with caregivers was a key element of the brand compass for Zokinvy. Creative discussions also gave us insight into the feelings of liberation and peace patients would experience.

From the compass comes the character.

Selecting a brand character humanized the brand and influenced verbal communications in tone and word choice as well as visual representations with colors and fonts. “Empowering sidekick” was created for its friendly support and sense of belonging for patients.

Following the path cleared by the empowering sidekick, our verbal team began development of name candidates, ultimately landing on Zokinvy (zoh – KIN – vee).

How did we get there? Pre-screened options were narrowed based on research. When naming pharmaceuticals (or any anything, really) global research builds our understanding of potential opportunities and roadblocks for the brand in market. We also weigh the risks and rewards of how names are received in research. One name might have a high risk in marketing but low overall risk in other areas. Our proprietary methodology in name validation research helped Eiger navigate these decisions, and helped the team confidently select a name.

A visual voice ties up the Zokinvy brand by balancing strength of empowerment, the energy of being proactive and the comfort of support and approachability.

Blues communicate security like the empowering sidekick is known to provide. A light green shade and golden yellow are bright, optimistic and suggest energy and action. The purple selected specifically for Zokinvy is soft, supportive and help to maintain and optimistic, welcoming tone. Zokinvy’s logo has a pinwheel-like icon that includes each of the brand colors in a circular motion. This motion combined with the colors suggest moving forward. The brand comes together to promote hope to patients and families alike.

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